Understanding the Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are solid formations composed of numerous microscopic crystals. They develop the inner lining of the kidney where urine exits the kidney tissue and enters the urinary collecting system. Kidney stone treatment in India offers a wide range of options to manage and eliminate kidney stones.

Kidney stone treatment


The pain is commonly described as excruciating. The location of the pain depends on the stone's position within the urinary tract. If the stone is in the kidney or upper ureter, the pain is typically felt in the side or back, below the ribs. The pain may radiate to the lower abdomen and groin when stone moves closer to the bladder.

Flank Pain:

Flank pain is a common presentation of kidney stones. They typically felt on one side of the back or abdomen, often below the ribs. It can be sharp, stabbing, or cramp-like and may worsen with movement.


Hematuria appears pink, red, or brown, indicating the presence of blood. They can occur due to the irritation of the urinary tract by the passing stone, causing small blood vessels to rupture.


Dysuria can be experienced by individuals with kidney stones. The passage of stones through the urinary tract can cause irritation and inflammation, burning sensation during urination.

Cloudy or Foul-Smelling Urine:

Kidney stones may contribute to changes in the appearance and odor of urine. The urine may appear cloudy or have an unpleasant, foul smell. These changes are usually due to the presence of an infection or stagnant urine caused by an obstructing stone.

Nausea and Vomiting:

Kidney stones can induce feelings of nausea and may occasionally lead to vomiting. The intense pain experienced with kidney stones can trigger these symptoms, causing individuals to feel unwell and unable to tolerate food or drink. Persistent nausea and vomiting should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Changes in Urine Color and Odor:

Kidney stones can sometimes cause noticeable changes in the color and smell of urine. The urine may appear pink, red, or brownish, indicating the presence of blood. Additionally, the urine may have a strong, unpleasant odor, which can be attributed to the presence of an infection or stagnant urine caused by an obstructing stone.

Renal Colic:

Renal colic refers to the severe, cramp-like pain caused by kidney stones. This pain typically originates in the back or side, below the ribs, and radiates towards the lower abdomen and groin. It can be intermittent, coming in waves of excruciating pain, and may last anywhere from minutes to hours. The intensity of renal colic can be incapacitating, leading to restlessness and an inability to find relief.

Silent Stones:

In some cases, individuals with kidney stones may experience no symptoms at all. These stones are often discovered incidentally during medical imaging for unrelated reasons. Silent stones can still pose a risk for complications, such as obstruction or infection, even in the absence of symptoms. Therefore, routine screenings and check-ups are crucial for identifying and monitoring these silent stones.

Small stones may pass through the urinary system without causing noticeable symptoms. By consulting with the Urologist in India that can provide you with expert guidance and care for kidney stone-related issues.

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